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2019 Flying-fox Forum Presentations

14 November 2019 | Canberra
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Flying-fox Forum Presentations

Report on a grey-headed flying fox mass mortality event involving a single roost tree
by Alison Peel, Racheal Walker, Denise Karkkainen, Isla Cramer and Emma Glennon
A discussion paper on Report on a grey-headed flying fox mass mortality event involving a single roost tree
Autonomous Flying Fox Roost Monitoring and Low-force Sprinkler Cooling System
by Afnan Bashir
A discussion paper on Autonomous Flying Fox Roost Monitoring and Low-force Sprinkler Cooling System
Managing Urban Flying-Fox Camps Into The Future

by David Westcott, Australia’s National Science Agency


A discussion paper on Managing Urban Flying-Fox Camps Into the Future
Commonwealth Flying-fox Update
Geoff Richardson, Department of the Environment and Energy



A discussion paper on Commonwealth flying-fox update 2019
Dispersing Flying-fox camps – what are the issues and where to next?
by Assoc Prof Rodney van der Ree National Technical Executive: Ecology School of BioSciences, Univ of Melbourne
A discussion paper on Dispersing Flying-fox camps – what are the issues and where to next?
Flying-fox Roost Management Framework
by Department of Environment and Science
A discussion paper on Flying-fox Roost Management Framework
Planning for Human Wildlife Conflicts
by Heidi Thomson
A discussion paper on Planning for Human Wildlife Conflicts
Grey-headed Flying Foxes in South Australia
by Jason Van Weenen
A discussion paper on Grey-headed Flying Foxes in South Australia
managing grey-headed flying-foxes:lessons learned during planning and construction of a major highway upgrade in NSW
by Josie Stokes – Principal Ecologist, Wsp-Sydney
A discussion paper on Managing Grey-headed Flying-foxes:lessons Learned During Planning And Construction Of A Major Highway Upgrade In NSW
a policy for the grey-headed flying fox
by Kelly Dobson – ACT Gov
A discussion paper on Managing Grey-headed Flying-foxes:lessons Learned During Planning And Construction Of A Major Highway Upgrade In NSW
What’s up with flying-fox health?
by Keren Cox-Witton Wildlife Health Australia
A discussion paper on What’s up with flying-fox health?
Efficacy of education in changing public attitudes toward flying-foxes
by Maree Kerr | Griffith University
A discussion paper on Efficacy of education in changing public attitudes toward flying-foxes
Australasian Bat Society Flying-fox Expert Group Update 2019
by Maree Treadwell and Jess Bracks
A discussion paper on Australasian Bat Society Flying-fox Expert Group Update 2019
Flying-fox conservation and camp management in New South Wales
National Flying-fox Forum 2019
A discussion paper on Flying-fox conservation and camp management in New South Wales
Putting up with Noisy Neighbours
by Michelle Jeffrey
A discussion paper on Putting up with Noisy Neighbours
Heat Stress in Flying-fox Camps
by Mike Roache
A discussion paper on Heat Stress in Flying-fox Camps
4th Annual National Flying-fox Forum
13-14 November 2019
A discussion paper on 4th Annual National Flying-fox Forum
Flying-fox Camp and Foraging Habitat Mapping
by Peggy Eby, Rebecca Sims and Jess Bracks
A discussion paper on Flying-fox Camp and Foraging Habitat Mapping
Automated low-force sprinklers as a cooling system for flying-foxes during heat events
by Dr. Tania Bishop BVSc(hons1a)MANZCVS(Avian Health)
A discussion paper on Automated low-force sprinklers as a cooling system for flying-foxes during heat events
Observing the effects of placing sprinklers mid-storey in a flying-fox colony during a low humidity heat event
by Dr Tania Bishop | Wildlife Veterinarian
Afnan Bashir | Founder Allspice Technologies
Tyron de Kauwe | Sunshine Coast Regional Council
A discussion paper on Observing the effects of placing sprinklers mid-storey in a flying-fox colony during a low humidity heat event
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