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2018 Flying-fox Forum Presentations

8 November 2018 | Cairns
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Flying-fox Forum Summary

The 3rd National Flying-fox Forum was held in Cairns on the 8th November and was attended by 84 delegates from all levels of government, non-government organisations, consultancies and community groups.

The forum aimed to take a regional focus on flying-fox research and management, while also learning new ways to effectively engage the community on flying-fox issues.

Dr David Westcott from CSIRO, Land and Water delivered the keynote address, followed by national updates by representatives from Department of Environment and Science (QLD), Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW), Government of South Australia (SA AND University of Melbourne (VIC).

The forum involved presentations by community, government and rescue organisations that explored a range of topics, including community attitudes towards flying-foxes, Hendra virus research updates and aviation strike risk.

A facilitated workshop was also run to deliver tools for effective community engagement. The forum included an optional field trip to Tolga Bat Hospital on the 9th November, lead by Jenny Mclean from Tolga Bat Rescue and Research.

a new narrative:the conversation we need to be having about flying-foxes

by Bradley Nolan Director Environment Division

Cairns Flying-fox Advisory Committee


A discussion paper on Cairns Flying-fox Advisory Committee
Forum context and background
by Emily Hatfield
A discussion paper on Forum context and background
Gauging attitudes of residents living close to flying-fox camps to inform conflict management
by Dr Pia Lentini, School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne
And collaborators: Prof Brendan Wintle, Prof Kath Williams, A/Prof Rod van der Ree,
Dr Justin Welbergen, Dr David Westcott, Dr Dave Kendal, Dr Kylie Soanes, Ms Kaye Currey
A discussion paper on Gauging attitudes of residents living close to flying-fox camps to inform conflict management
Grey-headed Flying-foxes in South Australia
by Jason van Weenen
A discussion paper on Grey-headed Flying-foxes in South Australia
Australasian Bat Society Flying-fox Expert Group Update
by Jess Bracks and Maree Treadwell
A discussion paper on Australasian Bat Society Flying-fox Expert Group Update
Managing Flying Foxes In Queensland
by Kristy Gooding
A discussion paper on Managing Flying Foxes In Queensland
Community consultation and outrage – some theory and practice
by Michael Ulph | GHD Environment Market Leader – Environment – Newcastle & Northern NSW
A discussion paper on Community consultation and outrage - some theory and practice
The Spectacled flying-fox A community perspective
by Maree Treadwell Kerr | BatSoc Inc CRC Flying-fox Advisory Committee Australasian Bat Society Wildlife Tourism Australia Griffith University
A discussion paper on Managing Grey-headed Flying-foxes:lessons Learned During Planning And Construction Of A Major Highway Upgrade In NSW
Flying-fox conservation and camp management in NSW
by Matthew Mo, Saving our species
A discussion paper on Flying-fox conservation and camp management in NSW
Into the wild: integration of human-derived microorganisms into flying fox microbiomes
by Michelle Power Biological Sciences
A discussion paper on Into the wild: integration of human-derived microorganisms into flying fox microbiomes
Third National Flying-fox Forum
by Rydges Esplanade, Cairns 8 November 2018
A discussion paper on Third National Flying-fox Forum
Gauging attitudes of residents living close to flying-fox camps to inform conflict management
by Dr Pia Lentini, School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne
And collaborators: Prof Brendan Wintle, Prof Kath Handasyde, A/Prof Rod van der Ree,
Dr Justin Welbergen, Dr David Westcott, Dr Dave Kendal, Dr Kylie Soanes, Ms Kaye Currey
A discussion paper on Gauging attitudes of residents living close to flying-fox camps to inform conflict management
Queensland Flying-Fox Management Update
By Lindsay Delzoppo Director – Wildlife Assessment, Strategic Compliance and Northern Operations
A discussion paper on Queensland Flying-Fox Management Update
Flying-foxes in Victoria – 2018 update
by Dr Rodney van der Ree Director – Ecology and Infrastructure International School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne
A discussion paper on Flying-foxes in Victoria – 2018 update
It’s not just noise
by Tim Pearson and Ken Cheng
A discussion paper on It’s not just noise
Tolga Bat Hospital
A discussion paper on Tolga Bat Hospital
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