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2017 Flying-fox Forum Presentations

25 October 2017 | Sydney
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Flying-fox Forum Summary

The 2017 National Flying-fox Forum was held at Club York, Sydney, on the 25th October.

The forum was attended by 96 delegates from all levels of government, non-government organisations, consultancies and community groups.

The forum aimed to expand on the topics raised during the inaugural forum and move on to implementing the principles of the strategic vision. A number of flying-fox experts from across the country also presented management and research updates and findings on a range of topics, including;

  • NSW flying-fox foraging habitat
  • OEH camp habitat modelling project
  • EHP-CSIRO project update – Flying-fox ecology and managing human-flying-fox conflict
  • Manager and community perceptions of camp management
  • Communication and education to mitigate human/flying-fox conflict
  • ARC Linkages Project and Australasian Bat Society updates
  • Why are flying-fox roosts found in certain places and not others?
  • Interactions between land use change, flying-fox ecology and HeV dynamics
  • Modelling flying-fox heat stress vulnerability

The forum undertook two workshops to deliver a Heat Stress Response Guideline for land managers as well as identify where research gaps exist for flying-fox conservation.

The workshops were facilitated by expert panels and involved presentations by Dr Justin Welbergen, Trish Wimberley (Australian Bat Clinic) and Dr Tania Bishop.  

a new narrative:the conversation we need to be having about flying-foxes
A discussion paper on 2nd Annual National Flying-fox Forum
Heat Events
A discussion paper on Heat Events
Modelling flying-fox heat stress vulnerability
by Himali Ratnayake
Supervision: A/Prof Michael Kearney, Dr Justin Welbergen, Dr Christopher Turbill & A/Prof Rodney van der Ree
A discussion paper on Modelling flying-fox heat stress vulnerability
A Regional Approach to Flying Fox Management
Hunter Region Case Study
A discussion paper on A Regional Approach to Flying Fox Management
Grey-headed Flying-foxes in Adelaide
by Jason van Weenen
A discussion paper on Grey-headed Flying-foxes in Adelaide
Flying-fox Camp Habitat Research
by Jess Bracks and Mike Roache
A discussion paper on Flying-fox Camp Habitat Research
Communication and education to mitigate human/flying-fox conflict
by Maree Kerr Griffith University
A discussion paper on Communication and education to mitigate human/flying-fox conflict
Community consultation and outrage – some theory and practice
by Michael Ulph | GHD Environment Market Leader – Environment – Newcastle & Northern NSW
A discussion paper on Community consultation and outrage - some theory and practice
Flying-fox conservation and camp management in NSW
by Mike Roache Conservation Programs Office of Environment and Heritage NSW
A discussion paper on Flying-fox conservation and camp management in NSW
Manager and community perceptions of camp management
by Dr Pia Lentini and Kaye Currey
A discussion paper on Manager and community perceptions of camp management
Strategic Vision Implementation
by Rich Collins and Jess Bracks
A discussion paper on Strategic Vision Implementation
on Flying-foxes in Victoria – 2017 update
by Dr Rodney van der Ree Director – Ecology and Infrastructure International
School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne
A discussion paper on Flying-foxes in Victoria – 2017 update
Flying-foxes and National Environmental Law
by Ross Rowe, Southern NSW and ACT Assessments
A discussion paper on Flying-foxes and National Environmental Law
Understanding The Effects Of Heat Events On Flying-Foxes
By Dr. Tania Bishop BVSc(hons1a)MANZCVS(Avian Health)
A discussion paper on Understanding The Effects Of Heat Events On Flying-Foxes
Australasian Bat Society Flying-Fox Expert Group
by Justin A. Welbergen President | The Australasian Bat Society, Inc
A discussion paper on Australasian Bat Society Flying-Fox Expert Group
Flying-foxes and extreme heat events: impacts and responses
by Justin A. Welbergen Lab of Animal Ecology, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University
A discussion paper on Flying-foxes and extreme heat events: impacts and responses
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