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2019 Flying-fox Forum Presentations

13-14 November 2019 | Canberra
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Flying-fox Forum Summary

The 4th National Flying-fox Forum was held in Canberra from the 13-14th November. The forum was attended by 89 individuals from local, state and federal government, research institutions, NRM groups, NGO, wildlife care organisations and conservation groups.

Delegates were invited to a dusk networking event at Commonwealth Park where they learnt about the management of this urban camp and watched the evening fly out.

The forum began with a keynote speech from Dr David Westcott (CSIRO, Land and Water), followed by updates by government representatives from ACT Government, Department of Environment and Energy, National Capital Authority, Department of Environment and Science, Government of South Australia and NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

Further presentations explored topics including modelling population trends, flying-fox health, mitigating and managing heat stress, and the effectiveness of flying-fox education in Australian communities.

The forum also undertook two ‘Break Out’ sessions on flying-fox dispersal techniques, learnings and lessons, and translocation protocols for rescued bats.

Managing Urban Flying-Fox Camps Into The Future

by David Westcott, Australia’s National Science Agency

A discussion paper on Managing Urban Flying-Fox Camps Into the Future
Commonwealth Flying-fox Update
Geoff Richardson, Department of the Environment and Energy
A discussion paper on Commonwealth flying-fox update 2019
Report on a grey-headed flying fox mass mortality event involving a single roost tree
by Alison Peel, Racheal Walker, Denise Karkkainen, Isla Cramer and Emma Glennon
A discussion paper on Report on a grey-headed flying fox mass mortality event involving a single roost tree
Autonomous Flying Fox Roost Monitoring and Low-force Sprinkler Cooling System
by Afnan Bashir
A discussion paper on Autonomous Flying Fox Roost Monitoring and Low-force Sprinkler Cooling System
Dispersing Flying-fox camps – what are the issues and where to next?
by Assoc Prof Rodney van der Ree National Technical Executive: Ecology School of BioSciences, Univ of Melbourne
A discussion paper on Dispersing Flying-fox camps – what are the issues and where to next?
Flying-fox Roost Management Framework
by Department of Environment and Science
A discussion paper on Flying-fox Roost Management Framework
Planning for Human Wildlife Conflicts
by Heidi Thomson
A discussion paper on Planning for Human Wildlife Conflicts
Grey-headed Flying Foxes in South Australia
by Jason Van Weenen
A discussion paper on Grey-headed Flying Foxes in South Australia
managing grey-headed flying-foxes:lessons learned during planning and construction of a major highway upgrade in NSW
by Josie Stokes – Principal Ecologist, Wsp-Sydney
A discussion paper on Managing Grey-headed Flying-foxes:lessons Learned During Planning And Construction Of A Major Highway Upgrade In NSW
a policy for the grey-headed flying fox
by Kelly Dobson – ACT Gov
A discussion paper on Managing Grey-headed Flying-foxes:lessons Learned During Planning And Construction Of A Major Highway Upgrade In NSW
What’s up with flying-fox health?
by Keren Cox-Witton Wildlife Health Australia
A discussion paper on What’s up with flying-fox health?
Efficacy of education in changing public attitudes toward flying-foxes
by Maree Kerr | Griffith University
A discussion paper on Efficacy of education in changing public attitudes toward flying-foxes
Australasian Bat Society Flying-fox Expert Group Update 2019
by Maree Treadwell and Jess Bracks
A discussion paper on Australasian Bat Society Flying-fox Expert Group Update 2019
Flying-fox conservation and camp management in New South Wales
National Flying-fox Forum 2019
A discussion paper on Flying-fox conservation and camp management in New South Wales
Putting up with Noisy Neighbours
by Michelle Jeffrey
A discussion paper on Putting up with Noisy Neighbours
Heat Stress in Flying-fox Camps
by Mike Roache
A discussion paper on Heat Stress in Flying-fox Camps
4th Annual National Flying-fox Forum
13-14 November 2019
A discussion paper on 4th Annual National Flying-fox Forum
Flying-fox Camp and Foraging Habitat Mapping
by Peggy Eby, Rebecca Sims and Jess Bracks
A discussion paper on Flying-fox Camp and Foraging Habitat Mapping
Automated low-force sprinklers as a cooling system for flying-foxes during heat events
by Dr. Tania Bishop BVSc(hons1a)MANZCVS(Avian Health)
A discussion paper on Automated low-force sprinklers as a cooling system for flying-foxes during heat events
Observing the effects of placing sprinklers mid-storey in a flying-fox colony during a low humidity heat event
by Dr Tania Bishop | Wildlife Veterinarian
Afnan Bashir | Founder Allspice Technologies
Tyron de Kauwe | Sunshine Coast Regional Council
A discussion paper on Observing the effects of placing sprinklers mid-storey in a flying-fox colony during a low humidity heat event
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